Friday, March 25, 2011 Trouble coming for PS3 owners (Do you know who George Hotz is?) According to news published by heise-online all IP addresses of internet users who visited and also Mr Hotz’s websites (;, followed his twitter account: or even watched his videos at!!! will be reveald to Sony. Few days ago Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) demanded from companies running sites mentioned above (including Twitter and Google) to turn over all user data (including IP addresses and logs). Judge Joseph C. Spero from the District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco has granted this request. This means that Bluehost (, Google (, SoftLayer (, Twitter and YouTube do not have a choice but to act as requested. If you have been to one of those sites… It does not matter whatever you have done something wrong or not, your identity will be reveald to someone else (this time it is Sone, who it will be next time?). What Sony will do with this data it is unknown. They have announced a while back that anyone cought using PS3 with “jailbreake” will be banned for for life. MEER ONLINE!!! --- Trouble coming for PS3 owners (Do you know who George Hotz is?) | HideIpVPN
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